Can I trust this seller ?

Actually, a lot of people are selling fake items, whether knowingly or unknowingly. Our objective is to combat this issue effectively and ensure that people can purchase authentic products safely online. We aim to expose scammers who sell counterfeit items as genuine products, often providing false invoices or certificates of authenticity.
At the same time, we recognize that individual sellers may inadvertently offer counterfeit goods, so it’s important to remain vigilant, even when dealing with seemingly serious sellers.
Our concept is designed to help you find information about a seller by entering their name or username. We manually reference these sellers to ensure accuracy and reliability in our listings.
By doing this, we aim to provide the most objective perspective possible, empowering consumers to make informed decisions and fostering a safer marketplace for everyone.
I'm a french reseller and collector is fed up of scammers and counterfeits.
I'm Théo Fief Sneakers